
All packages and pricing will be determined based on the scale of the project that you are looking for. Packages will be designed based on your individual needs.

Fast Start Services

We offer multiple services that we can do the initial setup for you, and then we can turn over the keys and let you take over. These individual projects take just a bit of planning, and we can have your ideas up and running in no time!

Packages may include services such as:

~ Basic Website Build (1-3 pages)

~Logo Design

~ Local SEO Audit/Setup

~ Social Media Setup

~Small Custom Items (contact us to discuss)

Monthly Management Packages

These packages will include service setup and then ongoing monthly management services.

Packages may include services such as:

~Basic website design/build and management

~Local SEO Management

~Social Media Management

~Reputation Management

~Lead Generation

Custom Project Packages

Custom project packages can be discussed on a project by project basis. These projects will include custom setup and ongoing monthly management services.

Packages may include services such as:

~Custom website design/management

~Local SEO audit and management

~Social Media Management

~Reputation Management

~Lead Generation/Retargeting campaigns

~Specialized Campaigns

~Paid Ads

~Custom projects

Designed By: Lange Digital Solutions