We offer multiple services that we can do the initial setup for you, and then we can turn over the keys and let you take over. These individual projects take just a bit of planning, and we can have your ideas up and running in no time!
Packages may include services such as:
~ Basic Website Build (1-3 pages)
~Logo Design
~ Local SEO Audit/Setup
~ Social Media Setup
~Small Custom Items (contact us to discuss)
These packages will include service setup and then ongoing monthly management services.
Packages may include services such as:
~Basic website design/build and management
~Local SEO Management
~Social Media Management
~Reputation Management
~Lead Generation
Custom project packages can be discussed on a project by project basis. These projects will include custom setup and ongoing monthly management services.
Packages may include services such as:
~Custom website design/management
~Local SEO audit and management
~Social Media Management
~Reputation Management
~Lead Generation/Retargeting campaigns
~Specialized Campaigns
~Paid Ads
~Custom projects
Designed By: Lange Digital Solutions